Making Neutron Stars a Laboratory for New Physics

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[credit: European Space Agency: url]

This one-week TH-Institute (June 9-13, 2025) aims to bring together leading experts in nuclear physics, astrophysics, and particle physics to address the key questions surrounding the equation of state (EOS) of neutron star (NS) matter and its impact on multi messenger astronomy and new physics searches.

The EOS of neutron stars is crucial to understanding several astrophysical phenomena, from supernova explosions and neutrino emissions to gravitational wave signals from NS mergers. By examining the EOS and its interplay with standard model (SM) and beyond-standard model (BSM) physics, this event seeks to address questions like: What are the uncertainties in EOS modeling, and how can they be minimized to yield robust predictions? How do different EOSs affect GW signals and NS cooling mechanisms? How much different EOS impact constraints on new motivated particles, such as the QCD axion? What role does QCD EOS play in the formation of primordial black holes, and how can observations of NS mergers constrain new physics?

The TH-Institute will thus cover a range of topics, including:

  • Theoretical modeling of the EOS of NS matter and its observational implications  
  • Neutrino emissions from young and old neutron stars, and their role in SN explosions
  • Gravitational wave signals from NS mergers and their sensitivity to the EOS  
  • New physics searches in astrophysical environments, with a focus on axions, neutrinos, and gravitational waves


Registration: We welcome everyone interested in these topics to join us in-person or online. In-person participation will be moderated. Upon in-person registration confirmation we recommend arranging accomodation as soon as possible. The accomodation tab gives further information.


Invited speakers

Francesca Calore (LAPTh-Annecy)
Marina Cermeño (IFT)
David Curtin (U. Toronto)
Laura Fabbietti (TU Munich)
Tobias Fischer (Wroclaw U.)
Alexander Haber (Southampton U.)
Aleksi Kurkela (Stavanger U.)
Alessandro Lella (Bari U.)
Elias Most (Caltech)
Ulf-G. Meissner (U. Bonn & IAS Jülich)
Jose Antonio Oller (U. Murcia)
Toby Opferkuch (SISSA)
Jose Pons (U. Alicante)
Sandra Robles (KCL)
Benjamin Safdi (UC, Berkeley)
Andreas Schmitt (Southampton U.)
Stefan Stelzl (EPFL)
Laura Tolos (ICE & Frankfurt U.)
Wolfram Weise (TU Munich)


This TH Institute is supported by UNDARK and is funded through the Widening participation and spreading excellence programme (project number 101159929)".

Organisers :Andrea CaputoMiguel EscuderoJoachim KoppJorge Martin CamalichJorge NoronhaJacquelyn Noronha-HostlerEnrico Speranza







TH institutes
Category ID
Indico iCal
Room Map URL['4/3-006']
Start Date
End Date
Event Chairs
Prof. Jacquelyn Noronha-Hostler,Miguel Escudero Abenza,Jorge Martin Camalich,Prof. Jorge Jose Leite Noronha,Joachim Kopp,Andrea Caputo,Enrico Speranza