Parton Showers and Resummation School 2025

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Parton showers and resummation techniques play a crucial role in the physics programme of the LHC as well as that of future colliders. Indeed, they are essential tools to obtain accurate theoretical predictions for physical observables within the vast spectrum of kinematic configurations that is probed at modern colliders. The Parton Showers and Resummation School will take place between the 7th and 11th of July 2025 at CERN. The aim will be to introduce key concepts and develop an understanding of important topics in this field. It will consist on four courses:

  • QCD Resummation for Collider Observables (Pier Monni)
  • SCET for Collider Observables (Iain Stewart)
  • Parton Showers and Logarithmic Accuracy (Alba Soto Ontoso)
  • Matching and Merging (Stefan Höche)

Each course will be composed of four one-hour lectures, and one one-hour discussion session. 

Registration is open to PhD students and junior Postdocs, for a maximum of 50 students. Participating students will be encouraged to present their research in a Gong Show.

There will be a school fee of 50chf.

The school will be followed by PSR 2025, the annual conference on Parton Showers and Resummation, and a two-week workshop on related topics. More information is available at the indico pages of the conference and workshop.

Conferences, Workshops & Schools
Category ID
Indico iCal
Room Map URL['13/2-005']
Start Date
End Date
Event Chairs
Sebastian Eryk Jaskiewicz,Silvia Ferrario Ravasio,Philipp Böer,Samuel Abreu