XSCRC2019: Cross sections for Cosmic Rays @ CERN

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Cosmic-ray (CR) physics in the GeV-TeV range has entered a precision era with recent data from space-based experiments. However, the poor knowledge of nuclear reactions (production of antimatter and secondary nuclei) limits the information that can be extracted from these data (source properties, transport in the Galaxy, indirect searches for dark matter).

The first edition of this workshop was held in 2017 (XSCRC17, see indico pages here). Its goal, bringing together different communities (CR theorists, CR experimentalists, nuclear and particle physicists), was to review theoretical motivations for CR studies, new CR data, and how the modelling of CRs crucially depends on nuclear reactions. The workshop was also strongly aimed at presenting current efforts and discussing forthcoming perspectives for particle/nuclear measurement campaigns.

This second edition will review the advances made in the last two years, and highlight some results obtained thanks to collaborations started during the first edition. We also hope that this edition will further strengthen these emergent synergies, taking advantage of the complementarity and know-how in different communities: the challenges that pose the interpretation of high-precision CR data can only be undertaken with a collective and coordinated effort.

Duration: The workshop will start Wednesday, November 13 at 2pm, and will end Friday, November 15 by 4pm.  

Organizing Committee:  B. Bertucci (Un. Perugia), F. Donato (Un. Torino, chair), J. Kopp  (CERN), D. Maurin (LPSC, Grenoble, co-chair), M. Unger (KIT, Karlsruhe) 

Scientific Advisory Committee: O. Adriani (Un. Florence), M. Gadzicki (Un. Frankfurt), G. Giudice (CERN), G. Passaleva (INFN Florence), P. Salati (LAPTH,  Annecy), A. Strong (MPE, Garching)


Invited collaborations: AMS-02, CALET, COMPASS++/AMBER, DAMPE, GAPS, LHCb, NA61/SHINE

Invited Speakers: Jean-Marc Casandjian (CEA, Saclay), Marco Cirelli (LPNHE, Paris), Yoann Genolini (ULB, Bruxelles), Diego M. Gomez-Coral (Unam, Mexico City), Diego Gruyer (LPC Caen), Jason Hirtz (Bern University), Vladimir Ivantchenko (CERN), Leslie Kerby (Idhao State University), Michael Korsmeier (University of Torino), Jose Luis Rodriguez Sanchez (GSI), Nicola Tomassetti (University of Perugia)

Contributed talks (deadline for submission 11th Oct): available, submit a title and abstract to donato@to.infn.it and dmaurin@lpsc.in2p3.fr

N.B.: timetable is preliminary (final version expected for mid-October)!

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